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Voodoo Lean Six Sigma

Let’s talk about Voodoo Lean Six Sigma. What is it? Voodoo Lean Six Sigma is where a program at a company focuses on lean without getting to root cause. Essentially they put the pain points up, run them through an affinity diagram, pick a couple and put them on a Benefit Effort Analysis. Then come up with countermeasures. They may fix 2 or 3 out of the 50 in order to get short-term results, call it good and forget about it. This is Bad, on top of Bad, on top of Bad and it is destined to fail.

Although this sounds tempting, this is very dangerous and will lead to certain failure of the project and the program. I have seen it more than once. Lean Six Sigma is a very defined set of tools and techniques that drive for continuous improvement.

In on of my past jobs, this was the case. I felt like a fish out of water. I simply couldn’t bring myself to be a part of what was most certainly going to turn out to be a disaster.

One of the most important aspects of Lean Six Sigma is that we get to ROOT CAUSE. 5-Why is a great tool for this especially if you have an expert that is driving and capturing it. A log of solid gains can be made by NOT solving for the Root Symptom. Solving for Root Symptoms only makes the process more complex. The more complex a process, the harder it is to get good product coming out the other end.

Be aware and vigilant about this and choose your Lean Six Sigma Professional who understands this and is an expert at it.

Most Lean Six Sigma projects last anywhere from 3-9 months. Why? Because Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belts are extremely thorough. The results of the project have long lasting effects.

If you shortcut Lean Six Sigma, you are just asking for trouble. I new of a case where a person used Voodoo Lean Six Sigma, and to be honest she was at work for a year before they figured out nothing was getting fixed. I did try to council her, but she would not listen. She was fired because her Voodoo Lean Six Sigma she was practicing did not produce tangible results.

At Next Level Lean Six Sigma L.L.C. we have the pedigree of Motorola. Motorola did it right, and that’s exactly what we will do here.

Please reach out if you have any questions/concerns/comments, we would love to talk with you and get your processes behaving effectively and efficiency.

Next Level Lean Six Sigma

6403 Quail St. #146

Arvada, CO 80004


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